I am a photographer living in Brighton UK. Please feel free to leave comments

Monday, July 30, 2007

A Head Full of Half Formed Ideas

My head is crowded with half formed ideas. Can I control my destiny or is it set. Am I a passenger even when I think I am not? I live now, but is now a fading moment?

Streets carpeted with leaves soften my footfalls. They make me feel weightless. This is a moment like many that will ignite a memory that is so deep I cannot recall it for more than a few seconds before it’s gone. Lost memories. A song on the radio or a word in a newspaper will vividly bring back a face from a past I had forgotten. Like static between stations there is a voice and a name but to faint to make out.

Love or the feeling of falling in love softens the sharp edges of life. Love is a separate entity, a third person in the relationship of two. You fall in love with her, she falls in love with you and you both fall in love with love. Its instant. Some people never love like this; they calculate everything down to the smallest detail and weigh up the value, the profit and loss. Love is a collision you can only have at full speed with your eyes closed and without your safety belt fastened. It’s a leap of faith. It is also filled with equal amounts of beauty and foolishness.

It puts ink in the poet’s pen but not food on his table. It can last a lifetime or just a heartbeat. It can’t be measured and only its effect can be seen.

1 comment:

Jason Hillard said...

very poetic andy, nice measured writing. But does love always have to be in top gear? And aren't our eyes open from the very beginning? Maybe TIME is just doing what it does and only allowing us to really really see the other person and their intentions after a certain amount of it has passed. Like the picture of the vast lanscape we think we see all it has to offer until we look again, and again, for much longer periods, and realize there is a lot more to it than just hills and sky and a few trees....