Bratislava winter 2004 |
Scanning negatives from the first rolls of film I shot in 2004 made me think again about how you always remember where you were and what you were thinking at the time you took a picture. I try to to understand so much of what happens in life, but I don't think I could function without the help of art. All kinds of loss that a person experiences can somehow be channelled by creativity into something that has a life of its own, something that has the power to heal and bring with it a form of hope, something that can ultimately be shared.
I was living on the 8th floor, it was winter and I remember looking out the window at all these birds flocking around a cable that had been strung between the buildings, I picked up the camera and took this picture, a few seconds later all the birds flew away. I thought there was a musical quality to the birds, the pattern they made in the sky and the sound of their tiny wings beating against the silent winter air. So much has happened from that moment to this and working on this book is making me revisit these experiences again, and also realize that I didn't make these photographs out of curiosity, I made them out of love, and as a way to say thank you to life.